B.C.M. Partnership History

Since the EOYDC and Big City Mountaineer’s (BCM) mission are similar, to expose, challenge and develop youth, in 2000 a partnership was forged; thereby expanding EOYDC’s Physical Development programming and providing an unforgettable experience for inner city youth.

Each summer the Center is provided with the opportunity to send 5 boys and 5 girls, along with male and female chaperones, to Yosemite Valley for an 8 day wilderness adventure, that culminates with the climbing to a 10,000 foot summit and becoming a member of the 10,000 foot Summit Club.

BCM provides all of the essential gear and this fabulous experience is underwritten by an EOYDC funder.

The EOYDC youth set the tone when the new BCM youth hiring initiative was created. Our young people filled all the job openings for this pilot project. Called peer leaders, our youth were responsible for group presentations, assistance in equipment and food distribution as well as welcoming back groups returning from their trips in the wilderness and taking inventory and restocking, of their equipment.

In addition BCM youth alumni have been selected for a specialized internships made available by BCM funders.

We at the Center wholeheartedly support the wonderful once in a lifetime experiences.