The following essays are a sampling of the many that were submitted by members of the EOYDC family.


I Dream an Oakland….

I dream an Oakland where crime rates are down and graduation rates are up.
I dream an Oakland where poverty is decreased and access to quality healthcare is increased.
I dream an Oakland where housing is affordable, streets are clean, and parks are green.
I dream an Oakland where young people can go out at night without worrying about becoming the next victim of homicide.
I dream an Oakland where youth don’t have to turn to drug dealing as a way of financial stability.
I dream an Oakland where people can live peacefully and in harmony…..

Being born and raised in Oakland, California, I know and understand the issues that are facing Oakland today. It is now, more than ever, that the youth on the streets of Oakland need a source of hope. Many youth feel that their life is meaningless and often turn to drugs, crime, and violence because of a lack of productive activities available to them. I dream an Oakland were there is more funding to support youth centers and other agencies that can provide positive activities for young people living in Oakland.

I dream an Oakland where residents can boast of having one of the top school districts in the nation. The Oakland Unified School District currently ranks near the bottom in terms of academic performance in California schools. Students who hail from the OUSD are consistently plagued by poor test scores and high dropout rates. I dream an Oakland where expectations and standards are raised. I dream an Oakland were students are held accountable for their education and are motivated to succeed and do well.

I dream an Oakland where quality health care is affordable. I dream an Oakland where there are more grocery stores and fewer liquor stores. I believe that health education should be taught in the schools at a younger age so that children are able to build healthy habits as youngsters. I dream an Oakland where diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are alleviated as a result of healthy living practices.

Oakland is a great city with a tremendous amount of history. I dream that this city can develop further and continue the great legacy that has already been established.

Brittany Harris- Age 20


I Dream an Oakland...

It’s twilight. The sun has set. Purple light bathes the city in calm. The trees are greener than green, the grass lusher than lush. Lying in the grass is like lying on a soft quilt, staring up at the darkening sky with stars shining like God spilled the glitter tube in his art case. Lilac colored cotton candy clouds drift across the horizon.
Piano and saxophone music floats over like a wave. People close their eyes and wait to be submerged. Foods cooking. So much good food. Baby cousin grins his toothless smile. Laughter trails people like tails on comets. The guns have turned into paint brushes, the bullets turned into paint. Colorful graffiti and murals decorate the homes and churches. The bars have turned into gardens. The strip clubs have turned into festivals.
I wake up with a start, and sigh. Just a dream. Just a dream…

Kasie Lido-Okaye- Age 13
I Dream an Oakland…

I dream of an Oakland where the streets are not littered with the tears and cries of surviving families.
Where the death count is non existent and the residents are not afraid of the night
Where the people don’t fear their protectors and blue and red lights represent patriotism and not another arresting.

I dream of an Oakland where the streets are not crowded with half lit buds and soggy lotto stubs.
Where the young men are not pressured by their peers
Or forced into lives of crime by society
Lives that only lead them two places,
Dead or in jail.

I dream of an Oakland where the young women are not fresh meat,
But fresh minds that paint out sky and color our trees.
An Oakland where our mothers, sisters, and daughters are respected
And appreciated from their beauty and not their bodies.

I dream of an Oakland that spends more money on education
And less money on its police department
That schools’ have new books that students can keep
And clean parks with equipment for all athletes

I dream that Oakland is diverse in its inhabitants
And is a safe haven for all races.
An Oakland where each minority group is not taught to stick to their own kind
But to understand and accept differences
And that skin color is not the only means to identifying your friends.

I dream that Oakland’s roads run smooth
Its air clear
Its water fresh
And that its citizens respect the land

I dream that Oakland is home to all.

Jemilla Michaels- Age 20



I Dream an Oakland

No violence and no men hitting on women.
I want all the people that work at the shelters to ride around in a van to help find the homeless people.

Ralliyah Hartwell- Age 9


I Dream an Oakland

I dream of an Oakland without liquor stores, drugs, violence, guns, gangs, bad schools, and racism. Everybody is treated equally. I want clean streets and NO PROSTITUTION!

Ramiro Torres- Age 13


I Dream an Oakland

I have lived in Oakland all my life. Oakland has an indomitable spirit and I have seen many changes throughout the years. I have seen and experienced Oakland when it has been on its mountain peaks and when it’s been in its valleys, but we have always come through. I have no doubt that we will always come through as long as we work together with a spirit of unity. I have seen it grow in size, in culture, and in character. I have heard it asked “Can anything good come out of Oakland?” I answer with a resounding “Yes!”

As a product of the Oakland Public School system and later an employee of the same, I was taught and worked with dedicated teachers and parents. As one of the parents of two fine young men, I know what it takes to instill values and build character that is life long. It takes hard work and a family that works together. I dream an Oakland where a mother will no longer feel apprehensive about her son or her daughter as they travel to their destinations.

Yes, I am very aware of the problems and challenges that we struggle with and those yet to present themselves, but I believe that if we move forward together with faith and unity, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. Just like the hard work it takes to build values and character in our young peoples, I believe that this is also true of our city and its communities. I am convinced that the success of our future lies in the celebration and acceptance of the rich diversity of our beautiful city and oh how beautiful our city is!

I heard our new Mayor, Ron Dellums say “I don’t have an “S” on my chest. I need your help. Will you help me?”

 Let us together as a community answer with a resounding Yes!

 Jennifer Marie Eurby-40+ East Oakland resident
